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Thanks for visiting our site and we look forward to assisting you. Wozniak Bulk Fuel Sales has been servicing the Lakeland Region for over forty years. We feel the focus that our employees put towards "Customer Service" has stood the test of time and enabled our business to not only survive but to grow and prosper.

Feel free to browse our entire site and we hope that you will find what you are looking for.

Should you have any questions on product and or pricing please contact us directly at 780-724-2040.


In the early years, the farming industry was obviously the core of our business but with the activity levels and demands of the oil & gas industry, we have adapted and continued to
We have serviced the farming community faithfully over the years and have also grown with the demand from the ever expanding Oil & Gas industry. Delivering fuel and lubes to a farmer outside Elk Point, St. Paulor..
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